Wang Lee Hom's Piano Scores
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8:11 AM
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back in a month's time
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7:08 PM
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Intel unveiled the quad-core early by almost a month. Good news for tech-buffs. Core 2 Duo will come cheaper, that's better news for everyone.

Why quad-core? I serious don't know unless you have large reserves of cash to burn. Few apps are optimised to fully utilize dual-cores to run efficiently. Even fewer uses quad-core. So for now, if you just have that itch in your bottom, go grab one off the selves, at a premium.

Though i'm not pro-AMD, they will come back hard and competition is great for us.
lamester signs off.
4:29 PM
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Bloody, bloody, gory...

So after watching Saw I and II, and u can't imagine how sick can it ever get, then watch Saw III. The most grotesque sequel to the franchise, worth every cent of your blood money.

Story: 7/10
It links back to the original works of Saw. Pretty intelligent storyline but I'm guessing most people would have gotten the plot already.

Bloody/Gory: 9.5/10
I can't think how bad can Saw IV gets, if they do get a sequel. I probably expect the producers/scriptwriters to run out of sick ideas, but you may be surprised.
lamester signs off.
4:23 PM
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10:30 AM
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Brokeback Superstars 2006
末日之恋(Rating 4/5 for 'brokebackness')

千里之外(Rating 3/5)

天高地厚(Rating 5/5)!!

触电(Rating 2/5) *They decaffeinated a sweet song
lamester signs off.
2:05 PM
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