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Who Will Win Wii?
Two days ago i was at the CMPB doing my medical checkup, and coincidentally i met my schoolmate. We were talking about random stuffs, just chit-chatting, and then we got heated up over the next-gen console war LOL. We were praising the PS3 graphic power, Xbox 360's close effort and then, i don't know for what ever reason, took note of the Nintendo's Wii. The name might sound "cheesy" but the console itself is actually very "spicy". It was through my friend that i begin to take a different perspective about console gaming.
I mean, all three consoles have the ability to deliver mind-boggling graphics, yet Wii is so exceptional in its gameplay design from the rest. PS3 fans will probably say Wii can NEVER whip Sony's ass but here, i think Nintendo might have just cracked it. You see, console gaming was NEVER compared to PC gaming from the fact that they do different things and do it to their best. On a PC, people will constantly be rambling about getting the best graphics cards such as nVidia GeForce 7900 and ATI X1900, or increasing their system RAM to 1GB or more, just for the sake of BETTER graphics. IF you are loaded though, it might not be the slightest of the problem but i believe many of us won't like to spend a few hundred bucks every few months just to keep up with latest of the ever-evolving PC technology.
For a console, you DON'T have to worry about constant upgrades or installations or anti virus softwares or defragment of the harddiskes et cetera et cetera...the Playstation was a phenomenon when it rolled out in 1995. It sweeped across the world with insane sales figures within a few years of it launch and EVERYONE, young and old, would have heard or own the machine. Then in 2000, Sony made it again with the Playstation 2(PS2) and again the world was taken by storm. Sony still kept the original controller design mainly due to the fact that it had superb user-friendly and ergonomic design. But now, after more than a decade, the PS3 STILL sports the same controller, amid with a built in wireless radio and motion sensor but they removed the DUAL SHOCK! Man...the dual shock was the reason that made the PS so special, and now they took it out because of a Nintendo lawsuit(apparently the "copied" the idea from the Mario Brothers). To make up for it, Sony decided to have an in-built motion sensor so that the player can tilt, swing, spin, hook, smash..........the controller to create spontaneous movements during in-game. And guess what? Nintendo has it TOO! So that means this technology will be take out of the PS4 cos' Nintendo is going to sue Sony again...Sad...
Anyways, imagine swinging the PS3 controller all day to play Tiger Woods PGA Tour? or Gran Turismo? or the GREAT BASS ACTION etc...i won't surprise after a few hours, you would have build your biceps and triceps. Why? Cos' the controller is HEAVY, that's why! Yes, yes...innovative but No PAIN No GAIN? BIG No-No...
Perhaps Sony should learn the dieting tricks from Nintendo - Look how dwarfed the Wii system is compared to the PS3 and Xbox 360, and look at the "controller", it's just a remote control and a small thumb pad that's smaller then most PC's mice. The "controller" is SERIOUSLY COOL, no doubt about it. To know how it works, go to youtube and search for "E3 2006 zelda demo" to catch a glimpse of it in action, compared to the lame 3D box animation that Sony used to demostrate its controller. Seeing how Zelda works with the "controller", Nintendo has indeed REVOLUTIONISED console gaming, and i can almost imagine me purchasing a Wii for Nintendo's passion and innovation. That IS what i mean by evolution, not just by developing a monster GFX or more memory....You can't deny Nintendo's passion in recreating the system in its bid to win the console world domination. And i can't see why it is not in Nintendo's favour......
lamester signs off.
5:06 AM